Thursday, 8 September 2011


This question has been on my mind for quite some it better to have a girlfriend or to just have occasional one night stands with strangers you will never see again? Im 20 years old and haven't had a girlfriend since I was 17 and have been very happy just hooking up with random girls just for fun..but am I missing something not having a girlfriend? I see my friends with theres and most of them honestly are alot more stressed out than me with jealousy, bitchiness from girlfriends and of course the depression when they break up. I suppose thats love for you, ive never felt it and im not quite sure if thats a bad thing..maybe im wrong?


  1. Thanks for the update! Followed!

  2. jealous too :p And kinda want a gf :p

  3. A gf is better.

  4. It depends on the person really. There are some people who get by having one night stands and such, there are people who are even proud of their lack of willingness to commit. Not me though, but I am a romanticist. I want a girlfriend, but it's only really when you don't want one you get one lol. You need to think about what is best for you, what you actually want, and then make your choice. It's not possible for you to be wrong here.

  5. Personally, I think that monogamy goes against our basic genetic make up.
    However, companionship is always nice.

  6. do both! see what you like better.

  7. I think if you can find someone who doesn't give you all that stress and nonsense then it's better.

    Otherwise one-night stands are superior.

  8. dude, having a girlfriend is not a decision, it seems...but no, you comit to a relationship when you're in love, you don't have to force that, otherwise it will end very bad and you will NOT enjoy it.

    my advice, keep going out with random chiks, take use of your penis...someday you will found that one of those one-night-stand girls is special and you will want to be only with her!

  9. thanks for share this :P
    nice post

  10. try it out and see if you like it.

  11. Those eyes... too beautiful to be true.

  12. I personally hate my girlfriend like 50% of the time. Love may be old-fashioned..

  13. Being in a relationship is stressful, honestly. There's no way two people are going to be able to stand each other for long periods of time consistently without it taking a lot of work.

  14. Having a girlfriend makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, until they cheat on you then you just feel nothing but despair afterwards.

    Doing it with a random stranger doesn't feel as exciting as doing it with someone you love though.
