I dont know what to think about the death penalty, i feel that its a bit barbaric and has been abolished in every first world country besides America but then again if someone close to you was raped and murdered wouldnt it be the only punishment that you would see fitting? I personally dont think it should be used..what do you think? Please let me know in the comments.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Thursday, 22 September 2011
When I first started college I thought it would be really easy and loads of crazy parties and just generally a laid back few years but to my horror it is a lot of work..a lot more than secondary school (high school). The movies lied to us! It is true what they say then you work harder in college than you did in school and you work harder at your job than you did in college!
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Do you pay for stuff on the first date?
Ok i know this may sound like a bit of a stupid question but just say you meet up with a girl at the cinema, is it expected of you to pay for her ticket, drinks, popcorn etc? I have no problem paying for it even though ive no real source of income at the moment as im a student but have times changed? Do you pay for your own shit? Keep in mind this isnt your girlfriend..first date.
Monday, 12 September 2011
It is now possible to obtain sperm cells without males!
Sperm cells have been created from a female human embryo in a remarkable breakthrough that suggests it may be possible for lesbian couples to have their own biological children.
Heres the link to the article!
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Just saw the video to this song now..its absolutely crazy..never seen anything like it. Also not a bad song either if your into that genre
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad isnt aired in my country (Ireland) and I dont think it is in the UK or anywhere else in Euorpe for that matter and im wondering why? After seeing all the episodes online I can easily say its the best tv series out there now. I dont know how popular it is in the US but i think its a majorly under rated show.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Motivational pictures
Whether its about trying to get in shape in the gym or general obstacles in life these posters put you in the right mindset.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
This question has been on my mind for quite some time..is it better to have a girlfriend or to just have occasional one night stands with strangers you will never see again? Im 20 years old and haven't had a girlfriend since I was 17 and have been very happy just hooking up with random girls just for fun..but am I missing something not having a girlfriend? I see my friends with theres and most of them honestly are alot more stressed out than me with jealousy, bitchiness from girlfriends and of course the depression when they break up. I suppose thats love for you, ive never felt it and im not quite sure if thats a bad thing..maybe im wrong?
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
It was my first day of college today and I was a bit scared by the fact I didnt know anyone there and that i'd be by myself for the next 4 years. At the introduction speech various people affiliated with the college talked about different things and nearly all of them put emphasis on getting to know people and taking the initiative to just go up and talk to people and thats what I did. The people were very friendly and open which surprised me as most people are not like this, but it just shows you if you're the one who takes the first steps into getting to know someone and appear positive you get a positive response back and could become your next best friend!
Tuesday, 6 September 2011
You know your a nerd when (part 2)
31) Three Words make your day "Triple...Word...Score". Oh yeah.
32) You hear someone say the word "mole" and instantly think of chemistry, not the small furry creature
33) You can prove Girls are Evil using an equation (see discussion board for details)
34) You tell science jokes like "One ion says to the other: 'I think i've lost an electron.' The other ion replies 'Are you positive?'" (hilarious xD)
35) You play/have played Dungeons and Dragons
36) You love Star Wars or Star Trek (You may also have argued over which is the best)
37) You get slightly overexcited upon receiving a book entitled "English words and their spelling - a history of phonological conflict" or something similarly geeky :)
38) You love "Ripley's Believe It Or Not!" facts
39) You can insult people with terminology specific to geeky subjects
40) You say "May the force be with you!" instead of "Good luck"
41) You have an unhealthy addiction to Tetris, Bejewelled or Pac-Man
42) If you've ever shouted keyboard commands at somebody because they insist on finding the copy button (or similar) on the toolbar
43) You watch The Big Bang Theory and get the jokes
44) You understand this joke: "I'll have a pie"
"That'll be £3.14!"
45) You will go out of your way to do something long and intricate for people (like producing a list of your records), not just when 'you have the time' or 'if you're bored', but because you want to help people whilst feeling clever in the process :)
46) You love Athens, Moussaka and the Mediterranean Sea...oh wait sorry, wrong group!
47) You use obscure historical dates as PINs or lock combinations
48) If whenever you see 'etc.' you feel the urge to say et cetera with proper latin pronunciation
49) You wonder what would happen if E=mc³
50) You love speaking like Yoda because it makes you feel cool
51) You can't wait for the next episode of Doctor Who
52) You know Pi to a few too many decimal places e.g. to 14: 3.14159265358979
53) You speak Klingon
54) You know that there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't
55) All your CDs, Books, DVDs etc. are in alphabetical order
56) Your only participation in sports is when you play them on your console (this may not apply to all geeks!)
57) You've argued about how to pronounce "Yoshi"
58) Every time you pick up a ruler, or similar long thin object, you pretend it's a lightsaber
59) Your Physics teacher hates you because whenever he/she says "Force" you say "The Force is strong in this one"
60) You know what TARDIS stands for
32) You hear someone say the word "mole" and instantly think of chemistry, not the small furry creature
33) You can prove Girls are Evil using an equation (see discussion board for details)
34) You tell science jokes like "One ion says to the other: 'I think i've lost an electron.' The other ion replies 'Are you positive?'" (hilarious xD)
35) You play/have played Dungeons and Dragons
36) You love Star Wars or Star Trek (You may also have argued over which is the best)
37) You get slightly overexcited upon receiving a book entitled "English words and their spelling - a history of phonological conflict" or something similarly geeky :)
38) You love "Ripley's Believe It Or Not!" facts
39) You can insult people with terminology specific to geeky subjects
40) You say "May the force be with you!" instead of "Good luck"
41) You have an unhealthy addiction to Tetris, Bejewelled or Pac-Man
42) If you've ever shouted keyboard commands at somebody because they insist on finding the copy button (or similar) on the toolbar
43) You watch The Big Bang Theory and get the jokes
44) You understand this joke: "I'll have a pie"
"That'll be £3.14!"
45) You will go out of your way to do something long and intricate for people (like producing a list of your records), not just when 'you have the time' or 'if you're bored', but because you want to help people whilst feeling clever in the process :)
46) You love Athens, Moussaka and the Mediterranean Sea...oh wait sorry, wrong group!
47) You use obscure historical dates as PINs or lock combinations
48) If whenever you see 'etc.' you feel the urge to say et cetera with proper latin pronunciation
49) You wonder what would happen if E=mc³
50) You love speaking like Yoda because it makes you feel cool
51) You can't wait for the next episode of Doctor Who
52) You know Pi to a few too many decimal places e.g. to 14: 3.14159265358979
53) You speak Klingon
54) You know that there are only 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't
55) All your CDs, Books, DVDs etc. are in alphabetical order
56) Your only participation in sports is when you play them on your console (this may not apply to all geeks!)
57) You've argued about how to pronounce "Yoshi"
58) Every time you pick up a ruler, or similar long thin object, you pretend it's a lightsaber
59) Your Physics teacher hates you because whenever he/she says "Force" you say "The Force is strong in this one"
60) You know what TARDIS stands for
Monday, 5 September 2011
You know your a nerd when (part 1)
1) You hate bad spelling and punctuation, especially on Facebook groups
2) You get annoyed when people use the wrong version of there/their/they’re or to/too/two
3) You have any classical music on your iPod/MP3
4) You enjoy a friendly board game like Scrabble or Cluedo
5) You’ve ever achieved an A grade without trying
6) You’ve ever quoted a Sci-Fi film
7) You watch Have I Got News For You because “it’s interesting as well as funny!”
8) You watch QI (nothing wrong with this btw!)
9) You regularly pay attention to the news
10) You look forward to exam results
11) You’ve ever fallen about laughing at something in a textbook which wasn’t graffiti and didn’t involve the words ‘penis’, ‘vagina’ or ‘erection’
12) All your ‘fun facts’ include references to other facts
13) You have ‘fun facts’
14) You like ‘fun facts’
15) You’ve ever yelled “OWNED!” (or similar) in someone’s face after consulting a dictionary/thesaurus
16) You can identify all 7 continents on a world map
17) You knew there were 7 continents
18) You know who came up with E = mc²
19) You can name more than 5 British politicians
20) You know who Nick Griffin is and why he’s a c**t)
21) You can combine sarcasm with subtlety
22) You can pronounce subtlety properly
23) You enjoy the odd tongue twister or witty limerick
24) You’ve had an in-depth discussion with your teacher about a particularly interesting point you made in your work
25) You’ve bothered to have an argument with an idiot on a FB discussion board because they're so wrong it's actually painful
26) If you can't figure out a new text abbreviation you get really annoyed and end up Google-ing it rather than having to ask someone
27) You still get kicks from playing Pokemon, Mario, Sonic or other old school nintendo/sega games (Y)
28) You try to add up stupid numbers in your head before going to find a calculator
29) You comment on how scientifically or historically inaccurate films and TV programmes are

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